Monday, September 18, 2006

Myers-Briggs me!

So it's about 4:00pm on Monday, and work is winding down. I figure I will go onto my MBA program's message board and see what's shakin'. Maybe they will have come to their senses and changed the menu from lemon crusted salmon to something that I will enjoy scarfing down in 20 minutes. An lo, what do I find? An assignment! For tonight. I swear to freaking God, I don't understand what this professor thinks! How am I really to do this assignment (which wasn't there last night, or even at noon when I found out about the salmon??) when I am at freaking work.

So anyway, it happened to be a Myers-Briggs questionnaire, and here are the results.

Question to my 5 loyal readers is whether this rating sounds like me or not. I leave it up to you.

Extroverted (E) 70% Introverted (I) 30%
Sensing (S) 58.54% Intuitive (N) 41.46%
Thinking (T) 57.14% Feeling (F) 42.86%
Judging (J) 55.17% Perceiving (P) 44.83%

"Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What on earth is the difference between sensing and intuitive? I think these tests are a load of baloney. Then again, maybe I am not "much in touch with the external environment."

I don't have time to be responsible and pillary enough to deal with that kind of crap. That's why I have you.