Monday, November 21, 2005

funniest ebay-er ever

Ok, so ebay is really the coolest thing in the world. Everyone has seen the commerical for ebay where the nagging girl friend says to her boyfriend that "no one would ever want his lime green Gremlin" - cut to the guy who has EVERYTHING lime green...ok, so there is the set up.

Meet ronald3102 (click here for his ebay profile) Click on an ebay item on the right. Any item. You will find a person who absolutely ADORES zebra print.

Here is a sample of some of the items purchased within the last 90 days:

New ZEBRA Faux Fur Cushioned FOOTSTOOL Ottoman & Fringe

Halloween Purple Pimp Outfit, with Zebra Stripes

Vintage Bowling Shirt XXL Womens and XL Mens (Matching!!)

Really, there are too many to mention:

Zebra fur clock
Zebra Print Lampshade
Faux Zebra Rug (in shape of hide!!)
Zebra costume for their cat
Zebra Calculator (there's a zebra on the cover!!!)

And about 200 more transactions. The only deviation being Nike Air Jordans and New DVD's, mostly horror.

So. We have a guy, in love with a large woman, who LOVEs the Zebra print, as does his girl. They even bowl together. In matching ZEBRA!!!! Oh my god.

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