Sunday, August 06, 2006

BBQ Madness! In action

So we have just discovered this fantastic new miniseries of a show on the Food Network, which is hosted by Alton Brown, called "Feasting on Asphalt". Basically Alton and a crew of guys are traveling around the country for one month, leaving from South Carolina, and ending up in Los Angeles. Their mission is to interview real people and experience true "road food". The only rule is that they can't step into a national chain, and aren't allowed a major interstate...back roads only. So far it has been an interesting show - one that I recommend highly, if only for its inspiring quality.

Watching the show the other night, the guys ended up in North Carolina, interviewing a father and son with long established roots in Barbeque. That's right, North Carolina vinegar based BBQ. I looked over at Liz, and with a twinkle in my eye, stated that "I would make me up some BBQ pork tomorrow!" So that's what I did. With my love's help making the sauce, and excellent book on BBQ with excellent techniques and recipes, we accomplished, in eight short hours, the pulled pork shoulder you see here. And man, it was GOOD!

Thanks Alton.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, Chris...I just did a pork roast on a cedar plank! Mmmmmm pork....

That pulled pork sounds good..can you shoot me the recipe??


Bob Rhein